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Code Of Conduct

As a participant of Fort McMurray Football Academy, I understand and agree to adhere to the following Code of Conduct and Athlete Agreement. I acknowledge that my/child's behaviour and actions both on and off the field have a direct impact on myself/child, my team, and the reputation of the organization.


1. Sportsmanship:

   a. I/my child commit to displaying good sportsmanship at all times, treating my teammates, opponents, coaches, officials, and spectators with respect and fairness.

   b. I/my child will refrain from engaging in any form of disrespectful, unsportsmanlike, or aggressive behavior, including trash-talking, taunting, or excessive celebrations.

   c. I/my child will accept both victory and defeat gracefully, demonstrating humility and sportsmanlike conduct.


2. Commitment:

     I/my childunderstand that consistent attendance is vital for the success of the team/myself, and I will make every effort to prioritize my commitment to the team.


3. Respect:

   a. I/my child will respect the authority and decisions of my coaches, officials, and the organization. I will follow instructions and guidelines provided by my coaches and strive to enhance my skills and understanding of the game.

   b. I/my child will demonstrate respect towards the facilities, equipment, people and uniforms provided to me by the organization.

   c. I/my child will not engage in any form of bullying, harassment, discrimination, or violence towards anyone associated with the organization or the sport.


4. Teamwork:

   a. Recognizing that football is a team sport, I/my child am committed to working collaboratively with my teammates to achieve our collective goals.

   b. I/my child will support and encourage my teammates both on and off the field, fostering a positive and inclusive team environment where everyone feels valued and included.


5. Accountability:

   a. I/my child will take responsibility for my actions and accept the consequences of any violations of this Code of Conduct.

   b. I/my child understand that disciplinary actions, including suspension or expulsion from the team or organization, may be implemented if I fail to comply with this Code of Conduct.


6. Fair Play:

   a. I/my child will compete fairly and within the rules of the game, refraining from cheating, diving, or engaging in any form of dishonest behavior to gain an unfair advantage.

   b. I/my child will accept and respect the decisions made by officials, understanding that their judgments are final.


By signing this Code of Conduct and Athlete Agreement, I/my child acknowledge that I/my child have read, understood, and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines outlined above. I/my child understand that any violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions, as determined by the organization.

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